
Looking for a new cover or upholstery for your recliner? Or maybe you just want to make sure you’re sitting comfortably in your current chair. Whatever the reason, measuring the width of your recliner seat is essential to ensure a perfect fit and comfortable seating experience.

In this section, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to accurately measure the width of your recliner seat. Follow these guidelines to find the perfect cover or upholstery for your recliner, or to make adjustments for optimal comfort.

Key Takeaways:

  • Measuring the width of a recliner seat is important for finding the right size cover or upholstery and ensuring comfortable seating.
  • Accurate measurements are essential to avoid purchasing the wrong size or making incorrect modifications.
  • Follow the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide to measure your recliner seat width precisely.

Why Measure the Width of a Recliner Seat?

Knowing the dimensions of your recliner seat is crucial for ensuring comfort and making informed decisions when shopping for covers or upholstery. By measuring the width of your recliner seat, you can find the right size cover, or make adjustments to your current recliner for a more comfortable fit.

Determining recliner seat width is easy, and with a few tips, you can get the most accurate measurements. To measure the width of a recliner seat, you will need to gather a few essential tools and follow a step-by-step process.

Measuring recliner seat width can appear intimidating, but with these tips and guidelines, you can confidently measure your recliner seat and make informed decisions for comfortable seating.

Gather the Necessary Tools

Before beginning the measurement process, you need to gather essential tools to measure the width of a recliner seat accurately. By having these tools ready, you can ensure a more precise and straightforward measurement process.

Here are some of the necessary tools you will need to measure the recliner seat width:

Tools Description
Tape Measure A flexible tape measure is the most critical tool that you need to measure the width of a recliner seat. Use a tape measure that is accurate and easy to read to get the best results.
Pen and Paper You will need a pen and paper to write down the measurements so that you don’t forget them.
Assistant It can be helpful to have an assistant to hold the other end of the tape measure to ensure a precise measurement.

With these tools ready, you can proceed to measure the width of your recliner seat accurately.

Determine the Starting Point

Before taking specific measurements, it’s important to identify the starting point for measuring the width of a recliner seat. The starting point should be the widest part of the seat, which is typically where your hips will rest. This will give you an accurate measurement of the space available for comfortable seating.

You should also consider any armrests or other features that may affect the width measurement. If there are armrests, be sure to measure the distance between them to ensure they do not interfere with the recliner cover or upholstery.

Take note of any other features of the recliner that may impact the measurement as well. For example, if there is a reclining mechanism, measure the width with the recliner in both the upright and reclined positions to account for any changes in width.

Measure the Seat Width

Now that you have gathered the necessary tools and determined the starting point, it’s time to measure the width of your recliner seat. Follow these step-by-step instructions to get accurate measurements:

  1. Place the measuring tape: Place the measuring tape at the starting point you identified, either at the inside edge of the armrest or at the base of the seat cushion, depending on your preference.
  2. Pull the measuring tape: Pull the measuring tape across the seat to the opposite inside edge of the armrest or base of the seat cushion, depending on where you started. Be sure to keep the measuring tape straight and taut for an accurate measurement.
  3. Record the measurement: Once you reach the other side, record the measurement to the nearest quarter inch or centimeter. This will be the width of your recliner seat.

If your recliner seat has a curved or angled shape, you may need to take multiple measurements at different points along the seat to get an accurate average width.

Remember to measure both the seat cushion width and the overall width, including armrests if applicable. This will ensure you get a cover or upholstery that fits perfectly and does not hinder comfortable seating.

Pro Tip:

“When measuring the seat width, make sure to account for any additional padding or cushioning that may affect the final measurement. This will ensure a comfortable fit.”

Additional Considerations

Measuring the width of a recliner seat is not as straightforward as it may seem. There are a few additional factors to take into account to ensure a perfect fit.

Flexibility: Depending on the type of recliner, the width may vary depending on the position. For example, a recliner with an adjustable headrest or footrest may have a different width when fully extended versus when in a sitting position. Make sure to measure the width in each position you plan on using the recliner.

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Armrests: The armrests can add a few inches to the overall width of the seat. When measuring the width, take into account the width of the armrests as well. If you plan on using a cover or upholstery, make sure to measure the armrests separately to ensure a proper fit.

Cushions: If your recliner has cushions, make sure to factor in their width when taking measurements. Cushions can add a few inches to the overall width of the seat, and failing to include them in your measurements can result in an ill-fitting cover or upholstery. Additionally, make sure to measure the cushions separately if you plan on only covering them.

Material: The material of the cover or upholstery can affect the overall fit of the recliner. Stretchy materials may be more forgiving when it comes to the exact width measurement, while sturdier materials may require a more precise fit. Keep the material in mind when selecting the appropriate recliner seat width and cover.

By considering these additional factors, you can ensure that your recliner fits perfectly and provides the desired level of comfort. Don’t forget to take your time when measuring the width and double-check your measurements before making any purchases or adjustments.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When measuring the width of a recliner seat, it’s important to avoid common mistakes that can lead to incorrect dimensions. Here are some pitfalls to watch out for:

  1. Measuring the arms: When measuring the seat width, be sure to exclude the arms from your measurement. Including the arms can result in an inaccurate width measurement.
  2. Measuring the backrest: The seat width should not include the backrest. Instead, focus solely on the seat cushion. Measuring the backrest can cause your measurements to be off, resulting in a poorly fitting cover or upholstery.
  3. Measuring uneven surfaces: If your recliner seat has uneven surfaces, like a curved or angled seat cushion, it’s important to take multiple measurements to get an accurate average. Failing to do so can lead to a misfitting cover or upholstery.
  4. Not double-checking: Before cutting or ordering any cover or upholstery, be sure to double-check your measurements. Mistakes can easily happen, and it’s crucial to catch any errors before committing to a purchase or modification.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure accurate measurements and a comfortable fit for your recliner seat.

Choosing the Right Recliner Seat Width

Now that you have measured your recliner seat width, it’s time to decide on the best fit for your needs. When determining the right recliner seat width, consider your body size, the size of the room, and other factors that affect your comfort.

If you are a tall person or have a larger frame, you may want to consider a wider recliner seat to accommodate your body size. If space is a concern in your living area, a narrower recliner seat may be a better option to ensure a comfortable fit.

It’s also important to consider the type of recliner you own. Some recliners have fixed widths, while others come with adjustable seat widths. If you have a recliner with fixed width, it’s crucial to choose the right size for optimal comfort. On the other hand, having an adjustable recliner seat width allows for more flexibility in selecting the best fit.

Furthermore, take into account your personal preferences when selecting the right recliner seat width. Do you like a cozy, snug feeling or do you prefer more room to move around? These factors will determine the appropriate recliner seat width for you.

By considering these factors, you can confidently choose the right recliner seat width that meets your specific requirements and style preferences.

Adjusting Recliner Seat Width

While measuring the width of your recliner seat is vital, there may be cases where you need to adjust it for optimal comfort or to accommodate specific requirements.

If you have a recliner with adjustable arms, you may be able to increase or decrease the seat width by moving the arms further apart or closer together. This method is suitable for minor adjustments, and it’s essential to ensure that the recliner’s structure remains stable.

Another option is to use a seat extender or cushion to increase the width of the recliner seat. Seat extenders can be attached to the bottom of the seat, while cushions can be placed on top of the seat to add extra width.

If you need to decrease the seat width, you can remove the arms, replace them with narrower ones, or reposition them closer together. Some recliners may also have removable side panels that allow you to adjust the seat width.

When making adjustments, it’s crucial to ensure that the changes do not compromise the recliner’s stability or structural integrity. Always refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines or seek professional assistance if you are unsure about making modifications.

With these adjustment methods, you can achieve the perfect fit for your recliner seat and enjoy comfortable seating that meets your specific needs and preferences.


Congratulations! You have successfully measured the width of your recliner seat. Now you can confidently purchase covers, upholstery or make adjustments based on your requirements.

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Remember, accurate measurements are essential for comfortable seating and making informed decisions when purchasing or modifying your recliner. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide, you can avoid common mistakes and obtain precise measurements.

Keep in mind that selecting the right size recliner seat width is crucial for optimal comfort. If you need to make adjustments, always ensure that you have the necessary tools and follow recommended guidelines.

To recap, measuring the width of a recliner seat is a simple process that requires attention to detail and careful consideration. We hope this guide has been helpful in answering the question, “how do you measure the width of a recliner seat?”


Q: How do you measure the width of a recliner seat?

A: To measure the width of a recliner seat, follow these steps:
1. Place the recliner in an open space with enough room to move around it.
2. Locate the outer edges of the seat cushions.
3. Measure the straight distance between the outer edges of the seat cushions.
4. Make sure to measure from the widest point of the seat.
5. Take note of the measurement in inches or centimeters.
6. Repeat the measurement process a few times to ensure accuracy.

Q: Why measure the width of a recliner seat?

A: Measuring the width of a recliner seat is important for several reasons:
1. Finding the right size cover or upholstery: Knowing the exact dimensions of your recliner seat will help you choose the right size cover or upholstery for a perfect fit.
2. Ensuring comfortable seating: By measuring the width of the seat, you can ensure that it provides enough room for comfortable seating.
3. Making informed purchasing decisions: When purchasing a new recliner, knowing the width of your current seat will help you make an informed decision on the size of the new recliner.

Q: What tools do I need to measure recliner seat width?

A: Before you start measuring the width of a recliner seat, gather the following tools:
1. Measuring tape or ruler: A measuring tape or ruler will help you accurately measure the width of the seat.
2. Pen and paper: Keep a pen and paper handy to write down the measurements.
3. Patience and precision: While not physical tools, having patience and ensuring precision in your measurements is essential for accurate results.

Q: Where should I start measuring the width of a recliner seat?

A: To start measuring the width of a recliner seat, identify the outer edges of the seat cushions. Begin your measurement from the widest point between these outer edges. Make sure to measure in a straight line to obtain an accurate width measurement.

Q: How do you measure the seat width of a recliner?

A: To measure the seat width of a recliner, follow these steps:
1. Position the recliner in an open space for easy access.
2. Locate the outer edges of the seat cushions.
3. Measure the distance in a straight line between the outer edges of the cushions.
4. Make sure to measure from the widest point of the seat.
5. Record the measurement in inches or centimeters.
6. Repeat the measurement process a few times to ensure accuracy.

Q: What are some additional considerations when measuring recliner seat width?

A: When measuring the width of a recliner seat, keep the following considerations in mind:
1. Account for any armrests or additional features that may affect the overall width measurement.
2. Ensure the recliner is in its normal sitting position before taking measurements.
3. Take measurements at different points along the seat width to account for any irregularities or variations in width.

Q: What are common mistakes to avoid when measuring recliner seat width?

A: To achieve accurate measurements, avoid the following common mistakes:
1. Measuring from the wrong starting point or not measuring in a straight line.
2. Neglecting to account for any armrests or additional features that may impact the overall width measurement.
3. Failing to measure multiple times to ensure consistency and accuracy.
4. Forgetting to record the measurements for future reference.

Q: How do I choose the right recliner seat width?

A: When selecting a recliner seat width, consider the following tips:
1. Measure the width of your current recliner seat as a starting point.
2. Consider your comfort preferences and the amount of space you need for comfortable seating.
3. Take into account any specific requirements or physical limitations that may affect your choice of width.
4. Consult with furniture experts or salespeople for advice on suitable seat widths based on your needs and the available options.

Q: Can I adjust the width of a recliner seat?

A: In some cases, it is possible to adjust the width of a recliner seat. However, the availability of adjustment options may vary depending on the specific recliner model. If you need to modify the width, consult the manufacturer’s instructions or seek professional assistance to ensure the adjustments are made correctly and safely.

Q: In conclusion, how do you measure the width of a recliner seat?

A: Measuring the width of a recliner seat accurately is crucial for finding the right fit and ensuring comfortable seating. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide, you can confidently measure your recliner seat width and make informed decisions when purchasing or modifying your recliner.

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